Our Mission
Assisting people who are pregnant to take control of their health care and futures
Dismantling medicalized control of abortion and encouraging a world where abortion pills are available over-the-counter
Advocating for the full continuum of abortion care from self-managed to clinician-supported
Breaking down the stereotype that abortion pills are dangerous
Our approach simplifies access to care by funding patients, clinics, and reimbursing local funds. Reimbursing local abortion funds helps them to continue to focus their funding on people seeking in-person abortions, while also increasing access to abortion pills by mail.
Need Access to Abortion Resources?
If you are struggling to pay for and access abortion in your area — or want to support people who are — you have come to the right place! Our site was created to help people access and fund medication abortion services and is updated frequently with information on clinics and resources.
Is your organization interested in partnering with us?
We partner with pro-abortion and reproductive justice groups across the country to fund grassroots activism and abortion care. Abortion Freedom Fund wants to work with you to raise funds and awareness about abortion access and the current abortion issues.
Interested In Funding Our Futures? Donate!
A great way to give sustainably is to pledge a small monthly donation that fits your budget. Just $5 a month could help someone get the abortion access they need. Donate to assist folks in receiving safe and essential health care!